The entertainment world is mourning the loss of iconic game show host Bob Barker, who has passed away at the age of 99. The news was confirmed by his publicist Roger Neal, revealing that Barker peacefully passed away due to natural causes at his residence in Hollywood Hills, California. As tributes pour in for the legendary figure, some netizens are expressing shock over the news, revealing a surprising misconception.
In a heartfelt statement, Barker’s publicist announced, “It is with profound sadness that we announce that the World’s Greatest MC who ever lived, Bob Barker has left us.”
That awkward moment when you realize Bob Barker isn’t actually dead and that’s just a Mandela effect. Thanks, you owe me a retweet. ♥️ hope you’re good, Bob.
— Casey Mae (@heyitscaseymae) August 23, 2023
However, the announcement has spurred confusion online, with some recalling incorrect information about Barker’s passing. Twitter user @FredDiBiase247 wrote, “I’m not sure about you, but I recall Bob Barker passing away at the age of 94.”
Others are attributing their confusion to the phenomenon known as the Mandela effect. Twitter user @MrAQUAMAN33 commented, “Thanks to the Mandela effect, Bob Barker has literally died twice in my lifetime.”
This isn’t the first time that misinformation about Barker’s passing has circulated online. In July 2017, a website falsely reported that Barker had died after sustaining a head injury. The site claimed, “Bob Barker was rushed to the emergency room after a fall that split his head open… he was pronounced dead.” While Barker did suffer a head injury, he was promptly treated at the hospital and underwent a series of tests, as confirmed by People magazine.
The concept of the Mandela effect, named after an instance where many believed Nelson Mandela had died in the 1980s when he actually passed away in 2013, refers to collective misremembering of events, historical facts, and pop culture moments. In Barker’s case, the confusion and conflicting reports have led to an unintentional extension of his legacy, and the entertainment world mourns the loss of a true television icon.