"Family Karma" premiered in March of 2020, but its second season premiered in June 2021, so it's hard to tell when, if at all, a third season will be released. In fact, "Family Karma" hasn't even been technically renewed by Bravo yet, but given its popularity, it's likely that an announcement will be made fairly soon about a Season 3. The series, as with all Bravo shows, is likely dealing with salary negotiations and casting details, but fans should feel secure about getting another round next year. For Season 2, the show started filming around October 2020, per Page Six, so there is more than enough time for Season 3 to be delivered by sometime next spring or summer.
The cast members are definitely down for another round it seems. "It gets better and better, and I don't know a single person that can't say anything good about the show. The show is fantastic, phenomenal, and everyone needs to watch it," Vishal Parvani told Nicki Swift in July. "Tell their mothers, tell their daughters, tell their sons, it is the best show. Because you know what? We have the best friends and family." With a happy cast and happy fans, it's hard to imagine the series won't return.