Co-written and directed by Tina Gordon, Peacock’s ‘Praise This’ is a musical drama movie that follows an aspiring and talented musician named Sam who dreams of making it to the top of the music industry and becoming a superstar. Due to her talent, she gets pulled into her cousin’s struggling underdog praise team ahead of the national championship competition and is expected to lead them to victory against all odds. While Sam attempts to fit into the competitive gospel youth choir, sooner rather than later, she comes across an opportunity to make her dreams come true.
Given the music-based narrative, the romantic movie features impressive performances from actors and various musicians, including Chloe Bailey, Anjelika Washington, Tristan Mack Wilds, Quavo, and Drew “Druski” Desbordes. The musical movie unfolds in Atlanta with the city’s competitive gospel youth choir praise teams at the center of the narrative. The competitive musical acts in different stages and the preparation behind the scenes leading toward the national competition keep things entertaining as well as intriguing for the viewers.
Praise This Was Shot in Georgia
‘Praise This’ was filmed in Georgia, specifically in Metro Atlanta. According to reports, the principal photography for the Chloe Bailey starrer commenced in June 2022 and wrapped up in September of the same year. Now, let’s not waste time and get a detailed account of all the specific locations that appear in the Peacock movie!
Metro Atlanta, Georgia
Given that the story is set in Atlanta and the city’s connection with the music of different genres, the production team of ‘Praise This’ set up camp in Metro Atlanta or the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, which served as the primary production location for the movie. Apart from Atlanta, the filming unit utilized the locales of the city of Lithonia in the later stages of the shooting process.
Atlanta is considered the capital of hip-hop, R&B, and gospel music, making it a suitable shooting site for a movie such as ‘Praise This.’ The city plays a pivotal role in the gospel music scene as it includes many genres, including urban contemporary gospel (Black gospel) and Southern gospel.
As Sam and her cousin’s gospel choir team travels for competitions in the movie, there are chances that you might spot some local landmarks in the backdrop of several scenes. This includes the Atlanta Botanical Garden, the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, the Georgia Aquarium, and the Atlanta Cyclorama & Civil War Museum. Besides ‘Praise This,’ Metro Atlanta has hosted the production of numerous movies and TV shows. Some notable ones are ‘The Founder,’ ‘After We Collided,’ ‘House Party,’ and ‘BMF.’