1. Great "Garbage" Khali - First of all, because he is champ, the expectations are much greater and he clearly falls below even the average quality of a champion in WWE. Secondly, his entrance/music is trash. It possesses no interjection. It softly starts and then goes into a repetitive beat with no melody. He walks as if he's controlled by a puppeteer.
Mic Skills - Everytime he opens his mouth to do that "Call of the Wild" yell, I fear that cascades of drool will soon follow.
His in ring abilities - It's obvious to everyone who watches how inept he is inside the squared circle. His moveset consists of a chop, kick, double-handed chokeslam, a vice-grip claw, and a feminine looking clothesline. This guy is supposed to be a World Heavyweight Champion? Granted he is from another part of the world, he is a heavyweight, but he sure as hell hasn't persuaded me to believe that he is any sort of champ.
2. John Cena (as if you didn't expect that) - Putting Cena on this list was an easy decision, but I had to retract some criticism towards him. He does work his behind off for the company and it does seem like he is a puppet to what McMahon wishes, but that is still not a viable excuse.
His entrance is not bad because it holds a lot of charisma, and energy. I personally thought his salute and street-military attire was a sign of support and respect to the military. I personally like the beat to his song, I could see how it could get people out of their seats. John Cena has a devastating physique that could mislead someone who was not exposed to the "Attitude Era" simply because yes, Cena is right for TV as far as his physique is concerned, but his in-ring skills exhibit wasted potential. It leaves me saying, put that physique on someone else who can develop a true repertoire for it.
His mic skills - Trust me there are much worse out there, and Cena is most of the time funny and can talk some trash. It doesn't seem like he's "acting" when he speaks, he's pretty natural with the mic, especially since he dropped that whole freestyle gimmick.
His in ring abilities have an extreme growth-stunt. It is common knowledge that he performs the same small amount of moves in the same sequence and manages to floor people with the FU, but yet can kick out of devastating moves such as the RKO. (Questionable) When he develops more moves, than it will be believeable to me for him to kick out of finishers...until then...Stay down Cena. Just stay down.
3. Batista
The reason that I chose Batista is because of his performance since returning from that tricep injury. When Batista first became World Champ, it was believeable. The guy was destroying people in the ring. Now, sorry it just ain't cuttin' it.
His entrance - Okay Batista, we know you are a big dude, stop beating on your chest,, and please what's with the machine gun motion during the fireworks? You are not in the military. You look like you want to break out into the MC Hammer typewriter or something. The pyro is tight, the music fits, but the rest...uh no!
In the ring - Oh man, I just explained how he used to destroy people right? Not anymore. His timing is terrible, and his moveset has dwindled. Batista needs to get rid of the spear. PLEASE...he sucks at it. Goldberg, Rhyno, and Edge are the masters of the spear maneuver. He's just not cutting it...there is no intensity in his matches anymore. For a big guy Batista's punches look soft. I still think the five top strikers in the WWE were and are Triple H, Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, and Kane. He needs to step up with that and put some shots on his opponents to where the crowd says "ooooh."
4. Eugene- he needs to drop the mentally handicapped act and get serious. I thought there for a moment after McMahon shaved his head that something would've snapped and he would've came out just messing folks up, but as you can see that did NOT happen. Instead now we have a short-haired, hairy-faced, goon running around in a blue and stoplight colored cape...looking like a complete moron.
Not much to say about his entrance. It takes an attempt at fan-friendliness, but it is just pathetic. Get rid of the ******ed cape and get into some bad-ass attire Eugene...change your name if you have to...maybe Gene (with a badass last name)
In ring, he tries to mix it up, but over 90% of his matches consist of him being stripped of any dignity that he might have left after his pathetic entrance.
5. Mark Henry - I'm glad that he's retiring after the Undertaker returns. He has played himself out, and this self-proclomation of being a silverback is far from the truth. He has taken no one out that is worth mentioning. The way he beat down the Undertaker was cheap as hell...he did nothing that was not already done. The Taker was spent after that match with Batista, the Edge-screwjob, and finally he comes down and washes the crumbs from the plate. Oh yeah, his entrance/music sucks.
His mic skills are the same thing over and over...I'm the silverback! You look like a monkey too Mark Henry. Stop talking and get to battling with people that can actually hurt you.
In ring - same moveset, ending in a bearhug that doesn't even seem like it hurts. If you refer to Smackdown 5 HCTP and check out the bearhug on there...now THAT's a bearhug. Nuff said about the Paperback---oops...whatever.
6. The DIVAS
A lot of them are banging up those pretty faces from this in-ring activity. I miss the days when they would manage the top wrestlers and be an enjoyment to view outside of what was going on in the ring.
Entrances suck/music sucks
Mickie James is just trying to pick up where Trish left off with the ring-attire and finisher. Candice Michelle looks like a straight ****, and has not proven to be champ. They suck...
7. Val Dingis (formerly Val Venis)- He is a well-rounded wrestler by all means, I just feel sorry for the guy due to the fact that he is always getting his ass kicked by everyone he faces. He isn't the same Val that was actually somebody to watch in the Attitude era.
8. Santino Marrella - that dude is gay...I am serious. He was probably one of the biggest disappointments since Nathan Jones.
His mic skills suck...and he's consistently trying to mack someone who is out of his deserved field of vision...Maria.
His in ring abilities have proven to be lackluster. That is why he is no longer Intercontenintal Champion.
9. Chris Masters - Perhaps one of the biggest letdowns in WWE history. The guys entrance is so tight and original. His physique is one of the best in the business as of late...BUT that all matters none because of his...
Mic skills. They have to be some of the worst that I've heard. They have no creative edge, no charisma, no wit or whimsical properties. He sounds like a muscle-bound doofus.
In-ring - That masterlock has to be the most useless finisher, challenge, and gimmick that is active in todays WWE programming. He needs to really sit down and develop a real finisher and a real set of moves that devastate and amaze the fans. Either Masters gets correct, or he needs to unlock the masterlock to the WWE front doors and walk out of them.
10. Last and least - Rey Mysterio, because I agree with one of the posts that stated Rey Mysterio will get demolished an entire match, but end up pulling it off somehow. I don't like his mic skills, oh wait he doesn't have any so there isn't anything to like or dislike. He never belonged in the World Heavyweight Title tier EVER. Why? Hmmm, let's see maybe because he does not weigh enough to be a heavyweight. I'll never forget when Brock Lesnar F-5'd him into the ring post with ease. They even designed an F5 on a Smackdown game where Brock just throws you into the air and you spin 3 times in the air before impact. That's nasty.